
About me

Welcome and thank you for taking the time to read my website! My name is Amy and I am a social studies teacher by trade. I taught for ten years in my home state of Iowa before finally getting brave enough to move overseas. I found myself spending the last three years teaching in Nigeria, meeting wonderful people and developing an even greater love for the world. The international teaching community is a very special thing that helps one to create connections and open the doors to everywhere. For me, this meant meeting an Australian couple that told Kaitlyn (my unrelated sister and traveling partner in crime) and I that we’d have a place to stay as long as we wanted in the land down under. How can you say no to that?! So, the decision was made to leave Nigeria after three years to embark on this journey. When asked by my students why I was leaving, my response would always be “Because life is short and the world is big.” This has now become my guiding mantra for the year ahead of me as Kaitlyn and I try to see as much as we can. I will keep our travels updated on this site, so stay tuned and feel free to email me at [email protected] or comment on anything you found helpful!

Kaitlyn and I in Egypt