
  • Thailand

    Thai Randoms

    There are many things we experienced here that do not warrant their own post, so I am just going to throw them all here… Adventure to Taco Lake Cheryl and David live in a suburb of Bangkok, really close to a place called Taco Lake. There is a canal that separates the area where they live from where the lake is and according to Google Maps, you have to walk a really long way around the canal to be able to get there. Kaitlyn and I decided we were going to see if there was a bridge somewhere that we would be able to cross to make the trek easier,…

  • Thailand

    One Night in Bangkok

    I can’t tell you how many times that song has gotten stuck in my head since deciding to go to Bangkok, and I am sure this just makes me an annoying American tourist but I’m okay with that. Towards the end of last school year, when Cheryl and David decided on moving to Bangkok for a new teaching job, we immediately added Bangkok to our list of destinations. (Actually, it may have already been there, but this just confirmed it!) They live in a house in a suburb of the city, which was actually kind of nice to be removed from the chaos but we still have been easily able…

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